Studio Owner Spotlight: Megan Wilson + Gillian Brotherson
We are so lucky to have sisters Megan Wilson and Gillian Brotherson on our team of studio owners! Megan led the way opening a studio last year in Willow Glen near San Jose, then hooked her sister Gillian. Now, they’re opening a studio together in their hometown of Los Altos. Read on to discover how this dynamic duo is helping people feel happier and healthier.

Megan: I had done barre, yoga, and Pilates at different times throughout my life, but I never really felt connected to any of them. Then my best friend from college, Henderson studio owner Jackie Edlund, got me to try 28 to Great online. After two weeks into the Challenge, I was hooked. The workout felt amazing in my body, and I was seeing dramatic results. I immediately felt the warmth of the barre3 community through the computer screen and knew I had to bring this workout to San Jose.
Gillian: I was a dance major at San Diego State, so I’ve always been very active. After college, I started teaching fitness classes, but it wasn’t a perfect match for me. Fast forward a few years and two kiddos, and my sister told me that she was opening barre3. I was excited to try the workout, but I definitely wasn’t planning to open a studio (or even teach) at first. However the more I experienced barre3, the more I craved it. It aligns so well with my life, and I could see how happy it was making my sister. Megan and I have always wanted to work together, so it was the perfect opportunity.
Megan: When I opened my studio, seeing myself as a leader was challenging at first. However, I quickly learned from Sadie and her team that surrounding myself with talented and inspiring people is the magic element of leadership. One of the core barre3 mantras, “Seek to understand before being understood,” has served me well. That’s the psych major in me. I love learning about people, listening to their needs, and helping them to achieve success.
Gillian: Barre3 is so incredibly supportive and inclusive. I love helping clients feel good about themselves while they work towards their goals. It’s inspiring to see people from all different backgrounds and walks of life feel at home in our studio. They don’t have to worry about the rest of their junk; they can just feel happy for an hour.
Megan: In classes, we tell clients to honor their truth. By listening to their bodies, clients learn how to guide their own workouts. They learn to take modifications to see better results. They learn when to take it turbo, and when to scale back.
Gillian: Barre3 empowers us to not only be leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs; it’s also helping us find balance in life. I’m so grateful that I can do something that I’m passionate about and still be the kind of Mom that I want to be to my kiddos.
Megan: Barre3 is a lifestyle. We’re a company based on whole-body health, helping clients to make healthier decisions throughout their day. I can’t believe how my body has changed since finding barre3. I’ve dropped four pant sizes and feel the strongest I ever have.
Gillian: As a mom of a four- and two-year-old I’m wearing the same size as I did at our wedding. When I wore my wedding dress, I was doing a crazy diet and exercise program for four months to lean up. I never thought I’d have a body like this after children (period!), let alone without having to suffer through more crash diets. I have my pre-baby body back, and I can’t believe how healthy and amazing I feel.
Megan: I want people to know that exercise doesn’t have to hurt to transform your body. A workout that feels good is so much more sustainable. Gillian and I love helping our clients realize that.
Gillian: My favorite thing about barre3 is that we’re not just helping people while they’re working out with us in studio. We can help them figure out what book to read next with our book club recommendations or what to make for dinner (my family’s go-to is the Moroccan Stew). Megan and I are so honored that we get to share this lifestyle with the Willow Glen and Los Altos communities. This is our dream job.
Learn more about owning a barre3 studio by filling out the form here.
We are so lucky to have sisters Megan Wilson and Gillian Brotherson on our team of studio owners! Megan led the way opening a studio last year in Willow Glen near San Jose, then hooked her sister Gillian. Now, they’re opening a studio together in their hometown of Los Altos. Read on to discover how this dynamic duo is helping people feel happier and healthier.

Megan: I had done barre, yoga, and Pilates at different times throughout my life, but I never really felt connected to any of them. Then my best friend from college, Henderson studio owner Jackie Edlund, got me to try 28 to Great online. After two weeks into the Challenge, I was hooked. The workout felt amazing in my body, and I was seeing dramatic results. I immediately felt the warmth of the barre3 community through the computer screen and knew I had to bring this workout to San Jose.
Gillian: I was a dance major at San Diego State, so I’ve always been very active. After college, I started teaching fitness classes, but it wasn’t a perfect match for me. Fast forward a few years and two kiddos, and my sister told me that she was opening barre3. I was excited to try the workout, but I definitely wasn’t planning to open a studio (or even teach) at first. However the more I experienced barre3, the more I craved it. It aligns so well with my life, and I could see how happy it was making my sister. Megan and I have always wanted to work together, so it was the perfect opportunity.
Megan: When I opened my studio, seeing myself as a leader was challenging at first. However, I quickly learned from Sadie and her team that surrounding myself with talented and inspiring people is the magic element of leadership. One of the core barre3 mantras, “Seek to understand before being understood,” has served me well. That’s the psych major in me. I love learning about people, listening to their needs, and helping them to achieve success.
Gillian: Barre3 is so incredibly supportive and inclusive. I love helping clients feel good about themselves while they work towards their goals. It’s inspiring to see people from all different backgrounds and walks of life feel at home in our studio. They don’t have to worry about the rest of their junk; they can just feel happy for an hour.
Megan: In classes, we tell clients to honor their truth. By listening to their bodies, clients learn how to guide their own workouts. They learn to take modifications to see better results. They learn when to take it turbo, and when to scale back.
Gillian: Barre3 empowers us to not only be leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs; it’s also helping us find balance in life. I’m so grateful that I can do something that I’m passionate about and still be the kind of Mom that I want to be to my kiddos.
Megan: Barre3 is a lifestyle. We’re a company based on whole-body health, helping clients to make healthier decisions throughout their day. I can’t believe how my body has changed since finding barre3. I’ve dropped four pant sizes and feel the strongest I ever have.
Gillian: As a mom of a four- and two-year-old I’m wearing the same size as I did at our wedding. When I wore my wedding dress, I was doing a crazy diet and exercise program for four months to lean up. I never thought I’d have a body like this after children (period!), let alone without having to suffer through more crash diets. I have my pre-baby body back, and I can’t believe how healthy and amazing I feel.
Megan: I want people to know that exercise doesn’t have to hurt to transform your body. A workout that feels good is so much more sustainable. Gillian and I love helping our clients realize that.
Gillian: My favorite thing about barre3 is that we’re not just helping people while they’re working out with us in studio. We can help them figure out what book to read next with our book club recommendations or what to make for dinner (my family’s go-to is the Moroccan Stew). Megan and I are so honored that we get to share this lifestyle with the Willow Glen and Los Altos communities. This is our dream job.
Learn more about owning a barre3 studio by filling out the form here.
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