Katie Heaps is no stranger to fitness. Growing up a competitive athlete, she became a collegiate tennis player and had her eyes set on a career in sports marketing. But when she lost her mother to colon cancer, Katie’s journey took a turn she couldn’t have planned for. Below, Katie shares the inspiring journey that led her to open the barre3 Belleview Station studio, where she’s never felt more at home. Curious about becoming a studio owner yourself? Learn more here.
KATIE HEAPS: I think it stems all the way back to my roots as an athlete. As a young girl, I played several competitive sports, many of them year-round. I chose to focus my time and energy solely on competitive tennis when I reached high school, traveling to tournaments all over the Pacific Northwest and across the country. I was a three-time Washington State singles champion, and from there, I went on to earn a full scholarship to play Division I Tennis at the University of Notre Dame.
It was always my goal to play tennis at the collegiate level while receiving the best possible education. My experience as a collegiate athlete was invaluable. I loved being part of a team among such talented athletes and was fortunate to be voted team captain my senior year. While at Notre Dame, I enrolled in the Mendoza College of Business because I aspired to work for Nike, Adidas, or Gatorade and start my career in the sports-marketing industry. After I graduated cum laude with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing, I proceeded to bang on the doors of these big industry giants. But nobody opened the door for me.
Just before the start of my senior year, I suffered the devastating loss of my mother after her heroic and aggressive battle with colon cancer.
She lived only 11 months from the initial cancer diagnosis and was only 53 years old when she died. After graduation, I was heartbroken, lost, and very discouraged. While struggling to find my way, one of my uncles told me that I should find something that I loved, and if I found that I’d never have to “work” another day in my life. Easier said than done!
I veered off my sports-marketing journey and for over a decade, I worked in marketing and product development for some of the most well-known companies in the medical-device industry. It was there that I met my now-husband and moved to Denver to start our lives together.

KATIE: I found barre3 in the summer of 2012, and I immediately became a studio member at the Cherry Creek studio. I fell in love with the workout, the company, and the culture. I knew I loved barre3 because I prioritized my workouts like they were important meetings. I blocked barre3 out on my schedule to make it happen, and it was the first time in my life that I didn’t feel tempted to come up with an excuse to miss a workout. I actually wanted to be in the studio.
I craved barre3 both mentally and physically. I thought about it so much that I started to dream about turning this healthy obsession into a career.
The more I learned about barre3 and its mission to make our communities happier and healthier, the more I knew that I wanted to be a part of this movement. I approached my husband about the possibility of pursuing my dream. He was incredibly supportive. The problem for me, at this point in my life, was timing. I was a brand-new mom, sleep-deprived, overwhelmed, and exhausted.
Fast forward to one year later, and whether you call it divine intervention or the flip of a switch, I woke up and thought to myself, this is the time. I began the due diligence of asking lots of questions and doing the research.
Even though I was sure of what I wanted, I was scared. I’ll never forget the conversation I had with (then) Lead Instructor Harper Kalin when she came to Denver. We had coffee together and she told me, “Katie, you are not being selfish by wanting to do this. Just because you commit to going to Portland doesn’t mean you have to open a studio the next day. You don’t have to say yes, but you’ll never know if it’s a ‘yes’ unless you go.” It was exactly what I needed to hear.
In the end, we got the “yes” to pursue my dream. My husband and I cried, we celebrated, and we have not looked back. I feel so fortunate for the long and twisted journey which ultimately landed me where I am today.
KATIE: My love of barre3, and my belief in the company, began as a client and is ultimately what led me to open my own studio. When I found barre3, I was recovering from a back injury from another barre-based studio. I wasn’t sure whether my body could continue to tolerate barre3-based workouts. In fact, my physical therapist told me that unless I found something else, I would wind up back in her office treating the same injury.
Barre3 was different. I was pleasantly surprised with the modifications that barre3 offered in their classes. As a former competitive tennis player, I have limitations and range-of-motion restriction in many of my joints. On top of this, I have scoliosis.
Despite these limitations, I have never felt limited with barre3.
Barre3 was not only a better fit for me physically, but I also felt the difference in the studio community. Going to the studio to take class was like coming home and spending time with my dear friends. It was the best part of my day. I always left the studio feeling better than when I arrived. It was addicting in the most positive way.
As a client, I also got to experience barre3 as an expectant mother. I was given the tools and the proper modifications to best support the changing needs of my body throughout my pregnancy. I was very fortunate to be able to continue classes both as a client and as an instructor up until the birth of both of my children. I attribute my stamina, strength, and recovery to barre3.
KATIE: YES! The company has all of the important infrastructure in place to provide support to owners when and wherever needed. I think one of the most empowering and helpful resources within the company is the vast network of studio owners from across the country. Talk about a group of passionate, wildly successful, driven, and wicked smart individuals!
I am constantly blown away by the talent and brain power behind these women. It’s pretty unique to have a group of highly-motivated entrepreneurs who genuinely want to help each other and who take the time to help their peers succeed.

KATIE: I’ve never worked for a company where employees at every level of the company, both at the corporate and the studio level, are so committed to the mission and values of the organization. I think the majority of people who work for barre3, no matter their title, are drawn to the company because it speaks to their soul.
Barre3 resonates with them on the deepest level. Because of this deep personal connection, barre3 attracts the most caring, passionate, and loyal people.
KATIE: This is one of the most important parts of my job. Our team at Belleview Station is fully committed to creating a consistently remarkable studio experience for each and every client. We want each and every client to walk into our studio doors feeling like they are coming home to a place where they are seen, cared for, valued, and accepted for who they are.
At my first Owners’ Summit, one of the presenters shared her first-ever barre3 class experience, and like most, it was a very personal one. She had recently lost her husband, and both she and her daughter were still very much grieving his loss. She shared how powerful barre3 was in supporting them in their grieving process.
She told us that whether we know it or not, everyone who steps into our studios is carrying a burden or loss in one form or another.
This hit home with me on so many levels. It’s a big part of how we care for our community and welcome them with big, open, and caring arms.
I have an incredible team to help me create an outstanding client experience. From the very beginning, they have been integral in both the formation and preservation of our studio culture. They are all an extension of me, of the brand, and they go above and beyond to take care of our people both in and out of the studio. For the most part, they do this by being active and engaged listeners. They genuinely want to know how people are. I feel like our clients know that our team supports them both physically and emotionally, and that they are there to cheer them on along their wellness journey.
It is the commitment of my staff, their passion of barre3, and their love for our clients that creates a bright, energetic, and thriving community.

KATIE: When I set out to open my barre3 studio, my goal was to deliver the best possible class experience in the country, and I give all the credit to my instructor team for turning this goal into a reality. I hear from clients over and over again that our team of instructors is so consistently strong that when they sign up for class, they don’t need to check the schedule to see who’s teaching. They trust that they will get a phenomenal workout and studio experience.
I am immensely proud of my instructors who work SO HARD to teach remarkable classes. They love and support each other without judgement or competition, which is felt by all of our clients. To help support this amazing group of women, I have been fortunate to have two gifted instructor mentors that help push all of us to reach new levels in our teaching abilities. They are kind, caring, and dedicated individuals who have become the engines of professional growth in our studio.
The other piece of feedback that I hear from clients is that the vibe of our studio is different than other places. There is a genuine warmth and energy that radiates among staff and clients which is felt by everyone. One of the most rewarding feelings that I have is to witness clients making this space their own. It’s not mine, it’s theirs. They take ownership and are proud to be a part of it. It’s a very special place and I’m so proud to be a part of it!
Feeling ready to take on the world after reading Katie’s story? Start by learning more about becoming a barre3 studio owner here.
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