We’ll be honest—we first became intrigued with essential oils because, well…they smell good. (Amazing, actually.) But we quickly realized that there’s so much more to these naturally sourced tinctures than their incredible scents.
Eager to learn more, we asked Ashley McCormack, a barre3 client and essential-oils expert who works with doTerra, to bring us up to speed. Our first question: What exactly are essential oils? “They’re aromatic compounds made from seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other portions of a plant,” Ashley explains. She describes them as nature’s defense. “Oils are particularly effective because they contain nutrients that are able to penetrate the membrane of a cell and can pass directly through the skin when applied topically for immediate effectiveness,” she says.
While individual oils are great on their own, you can also get major benefits from combining two or more to target specific needs. Read on for Ashley’s favorite combos, plus tips on how to use them.
If you want to feel AWAKE: peppermint and wild-orange oil.
Put 1 drop of each oil in the palm of your hand and rub together. Cup your hands around your nose and mouth and take three deep breaths. Massage the remaining oil into your shoulders for an added cooling sensation.
If you want to feel CENTERED: rosemary, peppermint, and lemon oil
Put 1 drop of peppermint, 3 drops of rosemary, and 2 drops of lemon oil, topped with fractionated coconut oil, in a 5 ml roll-on glass bottle (available here and at most natural grocers), and apply to the inside of your wrists and the back of your neck.
If you want to feel ENERGIZED: grapefruit, spearmint, lemongrass, wild-orange, and lemon oil
Put 3 drops of each into a diffuser—we like this one—for the perfect blend to help you start your day.

If you want to feel REVIVED: bergamot, frankincense, and juniper-berry oil
Put 3 drops of each into your diffuser to help you feel grounded and restored.
If you want to feel RELAXED: lavender and Roman chamomile oil
Combine lavender and chamomile with a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) for a relaxing massage blend.
If you want to feel SATIATED: grapefruit, ginger, and peppermint oil
Enjoy a drop or two in your water to curb cravings.
If you want to feel CREATIVE: bergamot, citrus, clove, sandalwood, and cinnamon oil
Combine a drop of each in a diffuser for a blend that gets your creative juices flowing.

If you want to feel TRANQUIL: vetiver, frankincense, and lavender oil
Put a few drops of each in a bath with a cup of epsom salts and enjoy a relaxing soak before you go to bed.
Before you buy: Make sure you use pure essential oils that don’t contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities. It’s also important to select oils that are free of contaminants like pesticides or other chemicals, and be aware of your own body’s sensitivities and allergies.
Reach out to Ashley McCormack or an oils expert in your area for more uses and ideas, and let us know in the comments below about your experience with essential oils!
We’ll be honest—we first became intrigued with essential oils because, well…they smell good. (Amazing, actually.) But we quickly realized that there’s so much more to these naturally sourced tinctures than their incredible scents.
Eager to learn more, we asked Ashley McCormack, a barre3 client and essential-oils expert who works with doTerra, to bring us up to speed. Our first question: What exactly are essential oils? “They’re aromatic compounds made from seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other portions of a plant,” Ashley explains. She describes them as nature’s defense. “Oils are particularly effective because they contain nutrients that are able to penetrate the membrane of a cell and can pass directly through the skin when applied topically for immediate effectiveness,” she says.
While individual oils are great on their own, you can also get major benefits from combining two or more to target specific needs. Read on for Ashley’s favorite combos, plus tips on how to use them.
If you want to feel AWAKE: peppermint and wild-orange oil.
Put 1 drop of each oil in the palm of your hand and rub together. Cup your hands around your nose and mouth and take three deep breaths. Massage the remaining oil into your shoulders for an added cooling sensation.
If you want to feel CENTERED: rosemary, peppermint, and lemon oil
Put 1 drop of peppermint, 3 drops of rosemary, and 2 drops of lemon oil, topped with fractionated coconut oil, in a 5 ml roll-on glass bottle (available here and at most natural grocers), and apply to the inside of your wrists and the back of your neck.
If you want to feel ENERGIZED: grapefruit, spearmint, lemongrass, wild-orange, and lemon oil
Put 3 drops of each into a diffuser—we like this one—for the perfect blend to help you start your day.

If you want to feel REVIVED: bergamot, frankincense, and juniper-berry oil
Put 3 drops of each into your diffuser to help you feel grounded and restored.
If you want to feel RELAXED: lavender and Roman chamomile oil
Combine lavender and chamomile with a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) for a relaxing massage blend.
If you want to feel SATIATED: grapefruit, ginger, and peppermint oil
Enjoy a drop or two in your water to curb cravings.
If you want to feel CREATIVE: bergamot, citrus, clove, sandalwood, and cinnamon oil
Combine a drop of each in a diffuser for a blend that gets your creative juices flowing.

If you want to feel TRANQUIL: vetiver, frankincense, and lavender oil
Put a few drops of each in a bath with a cup of epsom salts and enjoy a relaxing soak before you go to bed.
Before you buy: Make sure you use pure essential oils that don’t contain fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities. It’s also important to select oils that are free of contaminants like pesticides or other chemicals, and be aware of your own body’s sensitivities and allergies.
Reach out to Ashley McCormack or an oils expert in your area for more uses and ideas, and let us know in the comments below about your experience with essential oils!
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