barre3 Team Challenger Check In: Week 2
How are you feeling in Week 2 of the Challenge? Energized? Sore? Regretful about that glass of wine on Saturday but ready to get back on track? Chances are, you’re experiencing many of the same ups and downs as our team members. Read their weekly check-in below, and chime in with your experience—and tips!—in the comments.

This week started off a lot better than last week. I did make it to four classes, and I did a 10-minute online video. I stayed pretty true to only eating whole foods, with the exception of the Ash Family Taco Night. Every now and then my father makes tacos, and the whole family gets together to eat them. I thought about the three points of the barre3 triangle: Exercise, nutrition, and connection. We need to have all three in our lives in order to create balance. For me, family taco night was the connection part of that triangle. Did it follow the nutrition plan? Absolutely not! But it was what I needed was to feel balance in my life. I started off this week with a class from the always incredible Harper Kalin, and then a second class from barre3 Ballard owner, Kimberly Johanson. Needless to say, my butt feels sufficiently kicked. I followed the whole-food plan, and I still haven’t had any coffee, only green tea. I am ready and excited to conquer the rest of this week!

The consecutive barre3 classes have caught up with me! I just took Heidi Waltermire’s class, and don’t know if I’ve ever sweat so much in a barre3 studio. Part of that is just Heidi being a badass, part of it is me being consistent enough with my barre3 practice that I’m remembering how to push it to the edge again. The first couple of games of basketball tomorrow are going to be rough, but I know I’ll be stronger on the court and on the slopes for it. Diet-wise, my cravings have subsided. While my wife, Kait Hurley, was the one who pushed me into going all-in on the Challenge diet, I was the one who had to talk her out of getting a pudding cup (a delicious, raw-dessert treat) today. I’ll be sure to bring that up next time she teases me about eating frozen burritos. Seriously though, having the support at home and doing the Challenge with her has made all the difference for me.

My half-marathon went great! Running it with my dad and sister made it so special. I have cheered my dad on for many marathons, so running a half together was something I will cherish forever. Barre3 was such a vital part of my training. It strengthened my muscles, and I felt strong throughout my whole race. The only bad thing about traveling all weekend is that I fell into the temptation of unhealthy food choices. I treated myself to a couple of sweet treats after I ran my race. I could not resist the Mickey Mouse ice cream at Magic Kingdom! This week was all about determination to get back on track. I am nursing a knee injury after my race, but with barre3 being low impact I did not have to miss a beat. Thanks to all the different modifications instructors give during class, I have taken five in-studio classes and one ten-minute online class this week. To get my healthy eating back on track and beat the cold, I made the barre3 red bean and quinoa chili. It was delicious! I’m determined finish the last couple of weeks of the Challenge better than I started.

Last week I didn’t get all my in-studio workouts in! The online workouts were ahhh-mazing because I could do them on my own time, regardless of how busy and overwhelmed I was feeling. It’s usually very easy to beat myself up when I don’t achieve as much as I plan, but I’m challenging myself to persevere and continue the Challenge with positivity and self-love. If my cup is full, I can be of more service to my various communities. I am so thankful for the opportunity to challenge my mind, body, and spirit and I feel so motivated to keep it up! #dryjanuary has been pretty easy, as has eating well. My balanced diet keeps me going. With more nutrient-packed foods, I have felt less slumpy toward the end of each day. The energy in the studio has been radiating this week, and I am so excited to make up the workouts I missed.

I am loving all my studio time! The instructors are bringing their A-game and the collective energy of our clients is so motivating. I’m proud of myself for sticking to my class schedule. My days at work get crazy fast, and it’s easy to let a meeting go long or let my to-do list overwhelm me. But by sticking to my schedule, I’m easily fulfilling my class commitment, and I feel great. My sweet tooth is going through withdrawls. I don’t eat a ton of sweets, but at night I generally have a treat. Recently, I’ve been playing around with almond-butter-stuffed dates as a redesigned Reese’s—so, so good!
P.S. If you are looking for a quick butt kick, check out Sadie’s 10-minute Turbo, exclusively on the barre3 App.

I am definitely feeling like I’m detoxing from holiday sugar. Eating clean feels good, but…I am SO freakin’ tired, and I’m pretty sore from the past few days of workouts. I am honoring that and scheduling a true 7-8 hours of sleep so I can recharge. Because of all of this I love nothing more than being in the studio to either teach or take class right now. I’m reminded that we are a tribe, and we’re all doing this “reset” together! The collective vibe is so positive, so I leave feeling awake, happy, alert and strong. I’m keeping the nutrition component of this simple this week and making my usual staples like salmon, chicken, and tons of veggies. My brain can’t try anything new this week. 🙂

Week 2 brought along with it muscle memory and buckets of energy, both of which I was elated to welcome back to my routine! After a literal shaky start to week 1, I’m happy to report that my body is feeling rejuvenated. Undoing indulgent choices and returning to base level took longer than I would like to admit, but now I’m ready to move forward and keep building. This week I tried the Almond-Banana Oat Cups, Kale, the Mushroom + Egg Scramble, and the Overnight Oatmeal-Berry Breakfast Parfaits. Cooking is so restorative for me. Standing at the base of my mountain-size dreams for 2016 is both exciting and slightly daunting. Finding comfort and familiarity in my happy place of cooking allows me to “embrace the shakes” of change and keep focused on my goals. My husband being a gracious and loving dishwasher also helps!

Week 2 of the Challenge is wild. I feel my body reacting in a really interesting way. Like, I’m sleeping the entire night through. And, since I’m not drinking, I’m eating less junk before bedtime. And I’m feeling more focused throughout the day. I will totally admit wholeheartedly that I’m really missing my glass of wine, especially last Sunday for the Golden Globes! But, the best part is that ALL of my friends are juicing the #dryjanuary orange with me, and we’re in it together, which feels great. I’m also feeling inspired by the instructors of the West Village studio. I’m taking more classes and absorbing so much goodness, but I’m also watching them nail the Challenge in their own ways. Happy to say that week 2 is going strong. I’ve mostly stuck to my clean eating, and I’ve been good about no drinking so far.

Wow, I feel like I’m already learning so much, and we’re not even half-way through the Challenge! I felt incredible last week. My energy was high, and I found myself buzzing at night. At a time when normally I’m grabbing for a snack or curling up on the couch with a book, I instead felt like taking my dog for a walk or organizing my closet. When Friday night hit though, I found it really hard to let go of my ritual of enjoying a beer with my fiancé and wavered in my plan to stick with #dryjanuary. Despite holding strong through most of the weekend, on Sunday a post-skiing beer (or two!) was too hard to resist. I know it’s not the worst thing, and I won’t head down the Shame Spiral, but I did notice a significant difference in my energy level on Monday. Wow! I’m determined to stay strong this week and stick to my goals through the weekend. I love the way I’m feeling! Wish me luck.

So I’m not going to lie, last weekend was a struggle for me! Last week I got in my four studio classes, barre3 recipe, and 10-minute online workout, but I didn’t exactly embrace the nutrition philosophy for all meals and snacks. I just gave in to my old ways… eating healthy during the day and letting my sweet tooth get a hold of me at night. I was really bummed to watch myself back out of what I said I would do. Instead of beating myself up completely, I had a moment last night where I recommitted. I collected myself, thought about my goals and how sluggish I feel when I eat foods (and sugar!) that I know I shouldn’t. I’m feeling much more level-headed today and ready to Carousel Horse my way back to balance!
You can join our team members—and thousands of people across the country—for the January Challenge any time. Get started.
How are you feeling in Week 2 of the Challenge? Energized? Sore? Regretful about that glass of wine on Saturday but ready to get back on track? Chances are, you’re experiencing many of the same ups and downs as our team members. Read their weekly check-in below, and chime in with your experience—and tips!—in the comments.

This week started off a lot better than last week. I did make it to four classes, and I did a 10-minute online video. I stayed pretty true to only eating whole foods, with the exception of the Ash Family Taco Night. Every now and then my father makes tacos, and the whole family gets together to eat them. I thought about the three points of the barre3 triangle: Exercise, nutrition, and connection. We need to have all three in our lives in order to create balance. For me, family taco night was the connection part of that triangle. Did it follow the nutrition plan? Absolutely not! But it was what I needed was to feel balance in my life. I started off this week with a class from the always incredible Harper Kalin, and then a second class from barre3 Ballard owner, Kimberly Johanson. Needless to say, my butt feels sufficiently kicked. I followed the whole-food plan, and I still haven’t had any coffee, only green tea. I am ready and excited to conquer the rest of this week!

The consecutive barre3 classes have caught up with me! I just took Heidi Waltermire’s class, and don’t know if I’ve ever sweat so much in a barre3 studio. Part of that is just Heidi being a badass, part of it is me being consistent enough with my barre3 practice that I’m remembering how to push it to the edge again. The first couple of games of basketball tomorrow are going to be rough, but I know I’ll be stronger on the court and on the slopes for it. Diet-wise, my cravings have subsided. While my wife, Kait Hurley, was the one who pushed me into going all-in on the Challenge diet, I was the one who had to talk her out of getting a pudding cup (a delicious, raw-dessert treat) today. I’ll be sure to bring that up next time she teases me about eating frozen burritos. Seriously though, having the support at home and doing the Challenge with her has made all the difference for me.

My half-marathon went great! Running it with my dad and sister made it so special. I have cheered my dad on for many marathons, so running a half together was something I will cherish forever. Barre3 was such a vital part of my training. It strengthened my muscles, and I felt strong throughout my whole race. The only bad thing about traveling all weekend is that I fell into the temptation of unhealthy food choices. I treated myself to a couple of sweet treats after I ran my race. I could not resist the Mickey Mouse ice cream at Magic Kingdom! This week was all about determination to get back on track. I am nursing a knee injury after my race, but with barre3 being low impact I did not have to miss a beat. Thanks to all the different modifications instructors give during class, I have taken five in-studio classes and one ten-minute online class this week. To get my healthy eating back on track and beat the cold, I made the barre3 red bean and quinoa chili. It was delicious! I’m determined finish the last couple of weeks of the Challenge better than I started.

Last week I didn’t get all my in-studio workouts in! The online workouts were ahhh-mazing because I could do them on my own time, regardless of how busy and overwhelmed I was feeling. It’s usually very easy to beat myself up when I don’t achieve as much as I plan, but I’m challenging myself to persevere and continue the Challenge with positivity and self-love. If my cup is full, I can be of more service to my various communities. I am so thankful for the opportunity to challenge my mind, body, and spirit and I feel so motivated to keep it up! #dryjanuary has been pretty easy, as has eating well. My balanced diet keeps me going. With more nutrient-packed foods, I have felt less slumpy toward the end of each day. The energy in the studio has been radiating this week, and I am so excited to make up the workouts I missed.

I am loving all my studio time! The instructors are bringing their A-game and the collective energy of our clients is so motivating. I’m proud of myself for sticking to my class schedule. My days at work get crazy fast, and it’s easy to let a meeting go long or let my to-do list overwhelm me. But by sticking to my schedule, I’m easily fulfilling my class commitment, and I feel great. My sweet tooth is going through withdrawls. I don’t eat a ton of sweets, but at night I generally have a treat. Recently, I’ve been playing around with almond-butter-stuffed dates as a redesigned Reese’s—so, so good!
P.S. If you are looking for a quick butt kick, check out Sadie’s 10-minute Turbo, exclusively on the barre3 App.

I am definitely feeling like I’m detoxing from holiday sugar. Eating clean feels good, but…I am SO freakin’ tired, and I’m pretty sore from the past few days of workouts. I am honoring that and scheduling a true 7-8 hours of sleep so I can recharge. Because of all of this I love nothing more than being in the studio to either teach or take class right now. I’m reminded that we are a tribe, and we’re all doing this “reset” together! The collective vibe is so positive, so I leave feeling awake, happy, alert and strong. I’m keeping the nutrition component of this simple this week and making my usual staples like salmon, chicken, and tons of veggies. My brain can’t try anything new this week. 🙂

Week 2 brought along with it muscle memory and buckets of energy, both of which I was elated to welcome back to my routine! After a literal shaky start to week 1, I’m happy to report that my body is feeling rejuvenated. Undoing indulgent choices and returning to base level took longer than I would like to admit, but now I’m ready to move forward and keep building. This week I tried the Almond-Banana Oat Cups, Kale, the Mushroom + Egg Scramble, and the Overnight Oatmeal-Berry Breakfast Parfaits. Cooking is so restorative for me. Standing at the base of my mountain-size dreams for 2016 is both exciting and slightly daunting. Finding comfort and familiarity in my happy place of cooking allows me to “embrace the shakes” of change and keep focused on my goals. My husband being a gracious and loving dishwasher also helps!

Week 2 of the Challenge is wild. I feel my body reacting in a really interesting way. Like, I’m sleeping the entire night through. And, since I’m not drinking, I’m eating less junk before bedtime. And I’m feeling more focused throughout the day. I will totally admit wholeheartedly that I’m really missing my glass of wine, especially last Sunday for the Golden Globes! But, the best part is that ALL of my friends are juicing the #dryjanuary orange with me, and we’re in it together, which feels great. I’m also feeling inspired by the instructors of the West Village studio. I’m taking more classes and absorbing so much goodness, but I’m also watching them nail the Challenge in their own ways. Happy to say that week 2 is going strong. I’ve mostly stuck to my clean eating, and I’ve been good about no drinking so far.

Wow, I feel like I’m already learning so much, and we’re not even half-way through the Challenge! I felt incredible last week. My energy was high, and I found myself buzzing at night. At a time when normally I’m grabbing for a snack or curling up on the couch with a book, I instead felt like taking my dog for a walk or organizing my closet. When Friday night hit though, I found it really hard to let go of my ritual of enjoying a beer with my fiancé and wavered in my plan to stick with #dryjanuary. Despite holding strong through most of the weekend, on Sunday a post-skiing beer (or two!) was too hard to resist. I know it’s not the worst thing, and I won’t head down the Shame Spiral, but I did notice a significant difference in my energy level on Monday. Wow! I’m determined to stay strong this week and stick to my goals through the weekend. I love the way I’m feeling! Wish me luck.

So I’m not going to lie, last weekend was a struggle for me! Last week I got in my four studio classes, barre3 recipe, and 10-minute online workout, but I didn’t exactly embrace the nutrition philosophy for all meals and snacks. I just gave in to my old ways… eating healthy during the day and letting my sweet tooth get a hold of me at night. I was really bummed to watch myself back out of what I said I would do. Instead of beating myself up completely, I had a moment last night where I recommitted. I collected myself, thought about my goals and how sluggish I feel when I eat foods (and sugar!) that I know I shouldn’t. I’m feeling much more level-headed today and ready to Carousel Horse my way back to balance!
You can join our team members—and thousands of people across the country—for the January Challenge any time. Get started.
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