We’ve always loved treating post-workout muscles to a good long soak in the tub—but lately we’ve been taking our baths next-level with the addition of bath bombs. Have you seen them? When you drop them in the tub, they explode with a fizzy blend of essential oils and healthy minerals.
We’re so into bath bombs that we recently devoted a whole afternoon to making our own! Today we’re sharing the recipe, courtesy of our friends at Workshop – PDX
2 1/2 Tbs. baking soda
4 tsp. cornstarch
4 tsp. Epsom salt
4 tsp. citric acid
a dash or two of sea salt
1 Tbs. water
1 1/2 tsp. oil
1 tsp. fragrance or essential oil
2-3 drops food coloring
dried flowers or herbs (like chamomile or lavender)
You’ll need molds to shape your bath bombs, which can be found on Amazon or etsy. For this project, we used small molds like these. You can also use silicone cupcake pans (just fill them up, freeze and pop out).
Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk to remove clumps. Slowly add in each wet ingredient and whisk again. The mixture will expand slightly and should clump in your hand like damp sand.
Using a spoon or your fingers, fill one half of the bath bomb mold with the mixture, but don’t pack. Set down and repeat with other mold. If mixture keeps expanding, just wipe the excess away from the edges. If it seems dry, dab your fingers in the water and rub in the center top of one side of the bomb to create a glue.
Combine both sides of the mold together to create a round sphere. Then remove the top half of the mold and set the bath bomb (with bottom half still attached) on a tray with the exposed side facing up. Allow to dry for at least an hour before gently tapping your bath bombs out of the molds. Allow to dry a minimum of 6-8 hours before using in the bath.
- If your mixture is too powdery/dry add more water.
- If it’s too wet add more Epsom salt.
- To speed up the drying process before handling, pop in the freezer for 5-10 minutes.
Try whipping up a few extras to give as gifts, or rally your culture of good health for a fun DIY evening of bath bombing. And be sure to share your favorite scent combos in the comments below—you just might inspire our next batch!
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