As you may have gleaned, when it comes to healthy living we’re big on finding your “why” (we talked about it here, and Sadie shared hers here). With the B3 Home Office team energized by the launch of B3 ALL IN this week, we thought it was the perfect time to talk to a few of them about their “why” for committing to this month of transformation. Read on to read their answers—and to see cameos from our B3 ALL IN retail line.

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? To reduce stress and be more connected with my body. Often my mind wants to float away from my body, and I want to keep it grounded! So for me it’s more about practicing mindfulness.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I’m doing B3 ALL IN with my fiancée, and our wedding is coming up soon so keeping fit for that is definitely motivation.
Nice bag! What’s it for? I’m getting this for my fiancée, I think she’d love the hand-drawn art, and it would be a perfect bag for her B3 workout gear!

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? My “why” for doing B3 ALL IN this year is recommitting to connecting to my body. It sounds simple, but as a working mom with a neverending list of to-do’s, connecting and being present in my body often gets crowded out in terms of priorities. I am in my head a lot and store tension directly in my neck, shoulders, and back. I KNOW that addressing this will make doing all the other important things easier and more comfortable. So, yeah, that’s my why. I’m doing it for me, but I know that being the best version of myself has an immediate and profound impact on the close radius of people in my life.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I am not one for group activities, I’m just not. So my motivation is entirely about my connection to myself—about giving myself a challenge and being my own compassionate cheerleader through the process. I want to walk away knowing myself a little better, working on the inner dialogue that comes up with challenges, and being more confident to greet the new challenges of the new year.
Tell us about that pretty bundle you’re holding. Sage is a must for me. I often start my mornings burning a bit before anyone else is up. Admittedly, I come from a rather new-age background, so it’s also a bit nostalgic. But cultures across the globe have for centuries used smoke to cleanse space and energy. Additionally I take time when “smudging” to banish anything creating resistance in my life and to call in anything I might be needing. It’s really just another way of intention-setting, but it’s a nice reflective moment with a gorgeous earthy sent and beautiful swirling smoke, and it takes all of five minutes or less— because that’s about all the time I’ve got!

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? I want to get out of my workout rut and be my best self this year. I got out of the practice of exercising my mind and my body over the holidays, so I’m going all in to build better habits in 2018.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I’m committing to doing every new workout this month, and a 10-minute workout every day. It’s so easy to fit in a 10-minute workout and track my progress with the B3 Online planner.
That sweater you’re wearing looks like the epitome of hygge. This is my go-to layer right now! It’s cozy and warm, so I’m planning on wearing this to and from the studio all winter long.
Have you found your B3 ALL IN “why”? Tell us about it in the comments below!
As you may have gleaned, when it comes to healthy living we’re big on finding your “why” (we talked about it here, and Sadie shared hers here). With the B3 Home Office team energized by the launch of B3 ALL IN this week, we thought it was the perfect time to talk to a few of them about their “why” for committing to this month of transformation. Read on to read their answers—and to see cameos from our B3 ALL IN retail line.

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? To reduce stress and be more connected with my body. Often my mind wants to float away from my body, and I want to keep it grounded! So for me it’s more about practicing mindfulness.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I’m doing B3 ALL IN with my fiancée, and our wedding is coming up soon so keeping fit for that is definitely motivation.
Nice bag! What’s it for? I’m getting this for my fiancée, I think she’d love the hand-drawn art, and it would be a perfect bag for her B3 workout gear!

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? My “why” for doing B3 ALL IN this year is recommitting to connecting to my body. It sounds simple, but as a working mom with a neverending list of to-do’s, connecting and being present in my body often gets crowded out in terms of priorities. I am in my head a lot and store tension directly in my neck, shoulders, and back. I KNOW that addressing this will make doing all the other important things easier and more comfortable. So, yeah, that’s my why. I’m doing it for me, but I know that being the best version of myself has an immediate and profound impact on the close radius of people in my life.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I am not one for group activities, I’m just not. So my motivation is entirely about my connection to myself—about giving myself a challenge and being my own compassionate cheerleader through the process. I want to walk away knowing myself a little better, working on the inner dialogue that comes up with challenges, and being more confident to greet the new challenges of the new year.
Tell us about that pretty bundle you’re holding. Sage is a must for me. I often start my mornings burning a bit before anyone else is up. Admittedly, I come from a rather new-age background, so it’s also a bit nostalgic. But cultures across the globe have for centuries used smoke to cleanse space and energy. Additionally I take time when “smudging” to banish anything creating resistance in my life and to call in anything I might be needing. It’s really just another way of intention-setting, but it’s a nice reflective moment with a gorgeous earthy sent and beautiful swirling smoke, and it takes all of five minutes or less— because that’s about all the time I’ve got!

What’s your B3 ALL IN “why”? I want to get out of my workout rut and be my best self this year. I got out of the practice of exercising my mind and my body over the holidays, so I’m going all in to build better habits in 2018.
What are you doing to stay motivated all month long? I’m committing to doing every new workout this month, and a 10-minute workout every day. It’s so easy to fit in a 10-minute workout and track my progress with the B3 Online planner.
That sweater you’re wearing looks like the epitome of hygge. This is my go-to layer right now! It’s cozy and warm, so I’m planning on wearing this to and from the studio all winter long.
Have you found your B3 ALL IN “why”? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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